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Classroom Baseball

This is an excellent classroom activity for many different teaching situations. It is fairly simple to use. Just follow these instructions:

  1. First, make up some problems that vary in difficulty. For example, if you are studying grammar, you could make up a list of sentences that are grammatically incorrect and that vary in degree of difficulty in correcting the errors. There are four levels of difficulty:
    • Single ("runner" gets to first base)
    • Double ("runner" gets to second base)
    • Triple ("runner" gets to third base)
    • Home Run ("runner" gets all the way to home plate)

  2. Then, click on the "Play Ball!" button below to go the baseball game page. If you want to download the game so you can play it on a different computer, or when you are offline, click on the "Download" button.
  3. The game is set up for up to four teams. Divide your class into teams. Decide which team goes first. Then ask them what level of difficulty they want (see step 1). If they get the question right, click on the "Hit" button and enter the team number and how many bases they get. That teams color will show up on the base. If they get it wrong, they strike out and the next team gets a chance to hit.
  4. In a typical ball game their are two teams and after three outs, the teams trade places on the field. This game is different in that all teams are hitting and the instructor is "pitching." Each team hits in turn. The team to score the most runs wins the game.
Note: The Classroom Baseball game page was developed and tested on Internet Explorer 6.0. It should work on newer versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Safari (Macintosh Computers). It has not been tested or specifically designed to be compatible with older browsers. If you experience problems, please contact us. You can download a newer version of Netscape at and Internet Explorer at

The Classroom Baseball game page is viewed best at a screen resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. Also, by hitting F11 in either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you can view the Classroom Baseball game page in full screen mode. Viewing it at full screen allows the baseball diamond to fit fully on the screen. To exit out of full screen viewing, simply hit the F11 key again.

If you have questions, or suggestions for this page, please contact us. Thank you!


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